The Maryland Abortion Access Alliance (MAAA) has become BAF Practical Support. Learn more about the transition and what that means for BAF's callers.
In January 2021, NARAL Pro-Choice MD launched the Maryland Abortion Access Alliance (MAAA) to provide rides, accommodation, and translation assistance for people seeking abortion care in Maryland. NARAL Pro-Choice MD’s intention was always for MAAA to be absorbed into Baltimore Abortion Fund (BAF). As of December 2021, that intention became a reality!
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be re-branding MAAA as BAF Practical Support. We will also be adding new services to further remove barriers our callers currently face when accessing abortion care. This includes, but isn't limited to:
Expanding our accommodation services
- Meals after appointments
- Hotel stays
- Groceries for multi-day appointments
Building relationships
- Strengthening partnerships with local clinics
- Collaborating with funds across the country
- Continuing education training for volunteers
- Broadening our volunteer pool
- Increasing community outreach and engagement
Since its inception, MAAA has served 114 participants from 20 states and the District of Columbia, with Marylanders making up 58.7% of people served. In total, 82.4% of participants were people of color, 61.5% were unemployed, 25% were uninsured, and 62.5% Medicaid subscribers.
We wouldn't be here without you! Your consistent support has helped us hire full-time staff, who will continue to grow the practical support program. Thank you!
Every gift helps our callers get the care they need. Make a tax-deductible donation to BAF or multiply your impact by becoming a monthly sustainer.
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