Fundraising Toolkit & Facebook Live Video

Thank you so much to everyone who joined us on Facebook Live! In case you missed it, we saved the conversation for all to access here.

Our Board VP, Imani Spence, answered some questions about this year's Fund-a-Thon. She touched on ways to make this Fund-a-Thon unique by hosting virtual events that you, personally, would be excited about.

There was also talk about ways BAF engages with abortion funds across the country for Fund-a-Thon ever year. Learning more about the National Network of Abortion Funds can give your communities ways to get involved with BAF or their local abortion funds.

During the Facebook Live, Imani talked a bit about our fundraising toolkit. The team at BAF has put this toolkit together in hopes that the information here can make this Fund-a-Thon simple and effective. We compiled email templates, infographics, and social media posts so that you and your team can effortlessly ask for donations. We know not everyone can donate right now, but some folx are financially okay and are happy to support.



Fund-a-Thon Fundraising 101 Facebook Live

Be sure to tag BAF on any posts about Fund-a-Thon (@baltimorefund on Instagram and Twitter, and @baltimoreabortionfund on Facebook). You can also use hashtags #FThon20 #BaltimoreAF to see what other folx are doing to raise money.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions!

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Kick-off December with The Baltimore Abortion Fund

We haven’t written much on our blog in 2019 because we’ve been busy this year. This is not one of those, “we like to announce to everyone that we’re SOOO busy” and then proceed to spend 4 hours on Instagram every day watching Tasty videos. We’ve been legit busy this year. 

Since March, we have seen a 100% increase in call volume compared to 2018. Every. Month. This year was no doubt a record-breaking year for us in terms of calls, pledges, and caller demographics. We’re adjusting to our new norm with the increased demand. 

We’d like to see you at our holiday celebration shindig and share more about how busy we’ve been this year and talk about our plans for next year.


Board Member, The Baltimore Abortion Fund

The Baltimore Abortion Fund's fifth annual holiday shindig on December 5th from 6-9pm. The event will be held at a private residence in Reservoir Hill. Join us for drinks, light fare, conversation, and community, to celebrate our work in 2019.


We are asking you to RSVP with a suggested sliding scale donation ticket of $10-$50. An RSVP is requested for ease of tracking and communicating the address to you. Cash donation at the door will be accepted. Please also RSVP if you plan on making a cash donation. 

If cost is a barrier, please send us a private email at [email protected] and we will add you to the guest list. 

We will release the address of the private residence on the day of the event. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.


This home is accessed using a flight of stairs. Please contact us at the above email with any accessibility concerns.

RSVP on Eventbrite


Let's raise a toast to 2018!

2018 was a banner year for the Baltimore Abortion Fund. We've raised a record amount of money with the help of our community, funded hundreds of individuals seeking abortion care, and recruited new volunteers and board members to ensure the future sustainability of BAF. We're all about the long game, and we know that you're in it for the long haul with us.

Join us on Thursday, December 6 to raise a toast to our work in 2018 and our community, who makes it all possible.

Click here to get your tickets for a suggested donation of $10-50, sliding scale.

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Maria Needs Your Help.

We'll cut to the chase. Today's Supreme Court ruling on crisis pregnancy centers is horrible news for reproductive health and autonomy. This ruling means that fake clinics can continue to spread deception and disinformation about pregnancy and abortion care, which can lead to people being so delayed in accessing abortion that the procedure becomes unaffordable or inaccessible.  This ruling will make abortion harder and more expensive to access as fake clinics continue to lie to people who can get pregnant. 

Today, we heard from a fourteen year old girl who is travelling to our area from New England tomorrow morning to get the care that she needs, because we still have the only two clinics on the east coast who provide later abortion care.  She is facing a funding gap of $4,000.

We need your help to make sure Maria gets the care she needs. Please give $10, $20, $50 - whatever you can - to help Maria. 

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BAF's Year-End Picks 2017

It's the end of 2017, and it's easy to feel frustrated about the limiting beliefs, legislature, and anti-choice sentiment ever-present in society over the past year. BAF's case managers do want to remind you that there were wonderful things happening in the world of repro justice this past year as well.

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