Maria Needs Your Help.

We'll cut to the chase. Today's Supreme Court ruling on crisis pregnancy centers is horrible news for reproductive health and autonomy. This ruling means that fake clinics can continue to spread deception and disinformation about pregnancy and abortion care, which can lead to people being so delayed in accessing abortion that the procedure becomes unaffordable or inaccessible.  This ruling will make abortion harder and more expensive to access as fake clinics continue to lie to people who can get pregnant. 

Today, we heard from a fourteen year old girl who is travelling to our area from New England tomorrow morning to get the care that she needs, because we still have the only two clinics on the east coast who provide later abortion care.  She is facing a funding gap of $4,000.

We need your help to make sure Maria gets the care she needs. Please give $10, $20, $50 - whatever you can - to help Maria. 

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BAF's Year-End Picks 2017

It's the end of 2017, and it's easy to feel frustrated about the limiting beliefs, legislature, and anti-choice sentiment ever-present in society over the past year. BAF's case managers do want to remind you that there were wonderful things happening in the world of repro justice this past year as well.

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Thank You! Maya & Natalie Will Get The Care They Need

Thank you all so much for the incredible outpouring of support today. In just 6 hours we've raised $4436, which means we'll be able cover both patients.

We're so grateful for this wonderful community. Thank you making sure our folks get the safe, compassionate abortion care that they need!

Spencer Hall, BAF President 

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Germantown Clinic Closing - Maya and Natalie Need Your Help

I apologize in advance if this post is a bit scattered. The BAF team didn't sleep much last night. 

Yesterday afternoon we received some terrible news. Germantown Reproductive Health Services, one of just three clinics in the nation that serves women in need of later abortion care, will be closing its doors for good on Monday. The reason? The building was purchased by an anti-choice group that has relentlessly targeted the clinic for the last several years. While Dr. Carhart plans to resume providing care at another location as soon as possible, the sudden closure of the clinic has left several patients in a very tough spot.

Earlier this week we made a pledge to Maya so that she could go to Germantown for her abortion care. Maya is a young, disabled woman who has faced a number of barriers trying to access abortion care. Her appointment is scheduled for Monday, the last day before the clinic closes its doors. She has come up with nearly half the money she needs, but she is still $1100 short

We've also been working with Natalie, a minor who is traveling to Germantown all the way from South Carolina for an appointment tomorrow. The cost of the procedure, plus the added cost of a bus ticket and hotel, means she still has to raise another $3400 by tomorrow morning in order to keep her appointment and get the care that she needs. 

We need your help to make sure these patients get the care they need before the clinic closes for good on Monday. Please give $10, $20, $50 - whatever you can - to help Maya and Natalie. 

Please know that in the wake of the clinic closure, we are doing all we can to help callers reschedule their appointments with other providers, and will do what we can to cover the increased costs that come with delaying care. 

Thank you for your support.

Spencer Hall
BAF President 

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Ann Marie's Top Five - June 2017

Happy June, everyone (& Happy Pride Month!). We are finally getting into the late-spring/early-summer months and there is so much that is making me happy. Let's do it.


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